I have advanced to the first round of Google Code Jam 2012 by solving 3/4 questions.
Speaking in Tongues:
Speaking in Tongues:
import sys if __name__ == '__main__': f = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) >= 2: fn = sys.argv[1] if fn != '-': f = open(fn) output = open('tongout.out', 'w') t = int(f.readline()) for test in xrange(1, t+1): str1 = "Case #%d: " %(test) output.write(str1) string = f.readline().strip() ans = [] for i in string: if i == 'a': ans.append('y') elif i == 'b': ans.append('h') elif i == 'c': ans.append('e') elif i == 'd': ans.append('s') elif i == 'e': ans.append('o') elif i == 'f': ans.append('c') elif i == 'g': ans.append('v') elif i == 'h': ans.append('x') elif i == 'i': ans.append('d') elif i == 'j': ans.append('u') elif i == 'k': ans.append('i') elif i == 'l': ans.append('g') elif i == 'm': ans.append('l') elif i == 'n': ans.append('b') elif i == 'o': ans.append('k') elif i == 'p': ans.append('r') elif i == 'q': ans.append('z') elif i == 'r': ans.append('t') elif i == 's': ans.append('n') elif i == 't': ans.append('w') elif i == 'u': ans.append('j') elif i == 'v': ans.append('p') elif i == 'w': ans.append('f') elif i == 'x': ans.append('m') elif i == 'y': ans.append('a') elif i == 'z': ans.append('q') elif i == ' ': ans.append(' ') out = ''.join(ans) output.write(out+"\n") output.close()Dancing With the Googlers:
import sys if __name__ == '__main__': f = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) >= 2: fn = sys.argv[1] if fn != '-': f = open(fn) output = open('danout.out', 'w') t = int(f.readline()) for test in xrange(1, t+1): c = 0 str1 = "Case #%d: " %(test) output.write(str1) arr = map(int, f.readline().strip().split()) n = arr[0] s = arr[1] p = arr[2] goog = arr[3:] goog.sort() fl=0 y = 0 for k in goog: temp = k-p temp/=2 if fl==1 and k>=y: c+=1 elif temp >= p-1 and temp>=0: c+=1 fl=1 y=k elif temp >= p-2 and s>=1 and temp>=0: c+=1 s-=1 output.write(str(c)+"\n") output.close()Recycled Numbers:
import sys if __name__ == '__main__': f = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) >= 2: fn = sys.argv[1] if fn != '-': f = open(fn) output = open('recout1.out', 'w') t = int(f.readline()) for test in xrange(1, t+1): str1 = "Case #%d: " %(test) output.write(str1) a, b = f.readline().strip().split() inta = int(a) intb = int(b) values = [str(i) for i in range(int(a), int(b)+1)] c = 0 for i in values: arr = [] for j in range(len(i), 0, -1): ans = i[j:]+i[:j] ans = int(ans) if ans > int(i) and ans >= inta and ans <= intb and ans not in arr: arr.append(ans) c+=1 output.write(str(c)+"\n") output.close()
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